Laws Applicable to the Non-international Armed conflict, Internal Riots and Hostilities

  • Seyed Ali Moosavy Payame Noor University - IRAN
  • Zahra Manafi Payame Noor University - IRAN


We always hear and see much news about protests, demonstrations, riots, and rebellions everywhere around the globe. These protests and riots all have many motives and causes, and in most of these things we always see an initiating reason that provokes anger within the people and forces them into joining these riots, rebellions, and protests. The most important matter is how governments must deal with these issues. What we are considering here is the laws and rules which are applicable to deal with these affairs correctly, and to what extent and under what conditions has “the Human Rights” allowed the governments to deal with such conditions?


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Biografia do Autor

Seyed Ali Moosavy, Payame Noor University - IRAN

M.A. in International Law from Tehran’s Payame Noor University

Zahra Manafi, Payame Noor University - IRAN

M.A. in International Law from Tehran’s Payame Noor University


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Momtaz, J., & Sharifi Taraz Koohi, H. (1999). The minimum Humanitarian Rules Applicable to the Internal Rebels and Riots. Magazine of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of University of Tehran. 45.

Rogers, A. P. V., & Malherbe, P. (2008). Fight It Right: Model Manual on the Law of Armed Conflict for Armed Forces. {Translated to Persian by: Iran’s National Committee of Humanitarian Law] Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications.

Sharifi Taraz Koohi, H. (2011). Hoqooqe Bashar doostane. International Humanitarian Law. Tehran: Boniade Hoghooghi Mizan Publications.

Shaw, M. (1993). International Law, [Translated to Persian by: Vafadar, M.] Tehran: Ettelaat Publication.

Como Citar
Moosavy, S. A., & Manafi, Z. (2019). Laws Applicable to the Non-international Armed conflict, Internal Riots and Hostilities. Religación, 4(18), 238-246. Recuperado de