Systems analysis when evaluating and forecasting of agricultural enterprises

  • N. V. Byshov Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev - Russia


In economic calculations, when conducting some analytical work, any economic indicator, as a rule, is represented as a factor model (or system). In this case, the economic indicator is considered productive, depending on the values of exposures and their changes. This article presents some methodological aspects of assessing the extent to which changes in the value of exposures affect the deviation of the effective indicator. One of the priorities in training of highly qualified specialists of the agro-industrial complex is to teach them how to use the most rational and objective methods of factor analysis, the results of which are necessary to develop and substantiate real and accurate management decisions, the implementation of which in the production and financial activities of agricultural enterprises will contribute to the economic efficiency of the use of material, financial and labor resources with the purpose of increasing the gross production of crop and livestock products, reducing the production cost of its unit, and therefore, improving the overall efficiency of agricultural production. In this regard, the following calculations will allow future specialists to get acquainted with the methodological aspects of factor analysis with different accuracy of intermediate results for the purpose of the most objective assessment of the degree of influence of changes in the values of exposures on the result.


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Como Citar
Byshov, N. V. (2019). Systems analysis when evaluating and forecasting of agricultural enterprises. Religación, 4(18), 254-268. Recuperado de