Design and Implementation of a Process of Risk-Based Criticality for Network Utilities Asset Management

  • Markus Dwiyanto Tobi Sogen Politeknik Katolik Saint Paul - Indonesia
  • Retnawati Siregar Universitas Medan Area, Medan - Indonesia
  • Phong Thanh Nguyen Ho Chi Minh City Open University - Vietnam
  • E. Laxmi Lydia Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology - India
  • K. Shankar Alagappa University, Karaikudi - India


The prioritization of critical assets and foundations of the criticality of infrastructures is required for basic framework security. Nevertheless, criticality examination isn’t yet institutionalized. This paper studied the connection between criticality and risk. A basic risk assessment management model is proposed and looks at criticality analysis.   For network utility asset management, a process of risk-based critically is designed and implemented. The result of performance is shown through the performance curve.


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Como Citar
Tobi Sogen, M. D., Siregar, R., Nguyen, P. T., Lydia, E. L., & Shankar, K. (2019). Design and Implementation of a Process of Risk-Based Criticality for Network Utilities Asset Management . Religación, 4(19), 280-285. Recuperado de