Control of the Covid-19 pandemic from post-disciplinary power mechanics

Keywords: power; COVID-19; WHO; pandemic; big data


The concept of “relationship-based control” is proposed to understand the post-disciplinary power mechanics present in practices to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows how this concept helps to think in a symmetrical way about the containment of contagions and the structuring of the field of action of people, referring to a general mechanism of power characteristic of the 21st century. The analysis is epistemic-discursive on a corpus made up of technical documents from the WHO, government bulletins, and journalistic pieces. Particularly detailing the case of China (origin of the pandemic and the first country to declare it ended), it achieves the objective of highlighting the digital surveillance present in the fight against Covid-19. As a result, the implications of the State compiling millions of data on people and, based on it, making decisions are evident because this practice is consistent with the centrality achieved by a type of knowledge that is based on an epistemological domain: the of relationship systems, which provides operational information of individuals. It is also offered as a finding that the big data generated, managed, and used by the State emerges as a form of contagion control, but also as a general formula of government.


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Author Biography

José Luis Arriaga Ornelas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - México

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y profesor de Tiempo Completo de la Facultad de Antropología de la misma universidad. Líder del Cuerpo Académico “Patrones culturales de las relaciones sociales”. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Conacyt, nivel I. Su línea de investigación es: sistemas dinámicos y discursivos. Correo:



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How to Cite
Arriaga Ornelas, J. L. (2021). Control of the Covid-19 pandemic from post-disciplinary power mechanics. Religación, 6(27), 39-51.