Formation and development of jury trials in post-Soviet states

  • Nina Dudko Altai State University - Russia
  • Mariya Neymark Altai State University - Russia
  • Evgeniy Petuchov Altai State University - Russia
Palavras-chave: Julgamento do júri, estados pós-soviéticos, composição do tribunal, poderes dos jurados.


The article deals with the issues of normative and theoretical validity of the establishment of jury trials in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan. We carried out the comparative legal analysis of powers of court structures at the consideration of criminal cases and defined the models of the court of the jury. We noted that the legislative bodies of the post-Soviet states chose different models of jury trial: the CPC of the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia, and the Azerbaijan Republic are regulated by the classical model of jury trial; the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine are regulated by the mixed model of a jury trial. We suggested the conclusions and proposals on the expediency of further expansion of jury trials in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Kyrgyz Republic.


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Biografia do Autor

Nina Dudko, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Altai State University, Law Institute, Russian Federation.

Mariya Neymark, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Altai State University, Law Institute, Russian Federation. 

Evgeniy Petuchov, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Altai State University, Law Institute, Russian Federation.


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Como Citar
Dudko, N., Neymark, M., & Petuchov, E. (2020). Formation and development of jury trials in post-Soviet states. Religación, 4(19), 292-300. Recuperado de