Representations of the argentinian State coup of 1976 in four rock songs.

  • Marisol Ocampo Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina
Keywords: State coup, rock, speech, representation.



This article analyzes how the last State Coup was configurated in Argentina (1976) in four rock argentinian songs of Los Violadores, Los Twist, Serú Girán and Ataque 77. The selection boards four dictatorship dimensions and the objective is to explore all that representations thinking in their production conditions and in all those limits imposed by the social context considerating that always exists hegemony in thinking and telling. Daily life, censorship, economic politics and Malvinas war are the thematic axis that we think like dimensions of the State coup. In this paper, we cross rock, politics, speech and representations to think a possible analytical proposal about how rock music represented this episode.


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Author Biography

Marisol Ocampo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina

Maestranda en Comunicación y Derechos Humanos (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Comunicadora social (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco).


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How to Cite
Ocampo, M. (2017). Representations of the argentinian State coup of 1976 in four rock songs. Religación, 2(7), 101-110. Retrieved from