Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Rotating Medical Interns at a Hospital in Latacunga

  • Silvio Stalin Tacle Humanante Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador
  • Juan Carlos Gárate Aguirre Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador
Keywords: Burnout; job performance; interns; medicine.


Medical burnout is considered an epidemic and has negative effects on medical care and patient safety, therefore, the present study aims to determine Burnout Syndrome and its impact on the work performance of hospital inmates from the city of Latacunga; for which a descriptive methodological investigation was carried out and the data was collected through two questionnaires that were applied to 45 rotating interns currently working, obtaining as a result that there is a prevalence of burnout of 40%. In addition, in general job performance is average and finally, the results of the correlational analyzes indicate that there is a positive relationship between all performance dimensions and burnout; This implies that as burnout rates improve, better job performance will be obtained in workers.


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How to Cite
Tacle Humanante, S. S., & Gárate Aguirre, J. C. (2023). Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Rotating Medical Interns at a Hospital in Latacunga. Religación, 8(38), e2301000.
Health Sciences