Getting away from the dominant logic: Theoretical contributions from the social solidarity economy

Keywords: Social solidarity economy, waged work, civilizing crisis, instrumental rationality.


In the framework of the civilizing crisis, evidenced by the health emergency, we reflected on the potential that the social solidarity economy offers to rebuild our social horizons. Based on an ethical-political framework that guides social practices to claim other meanings of work, the social solidarity economy represents a criticism of the imperative productivism that defines the market expansion and that has generated ecological imbalances and deepened into a process of social exclusion. The problematic shown here is the continuation of the individualist action-logics persisting with the financial capital expansion, risking the possibilities to generate well-being and sustainability. We, therefore, propose a reading of the global processes and contradictions we are facing as a society, and we discuss the dominant logic and the perspective of the social economy, indicating the challenge of creating a framework for action which articulates committed and collective Individuals to care, production and reproduction of commons, and the defense of life. A debate that forces us to question the aspirations of the emancipation of waged work, and articulate multiple critiques to instrumental rationality, including the environmental issues.


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Author Biographies

Edgar Belmont Cortés, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro - México

Doctor en sociología, con especialidad en estudios del trabajo y de los servicios públicos.

Mónica Ribeiro-Palacios, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro - México

Doctora en ciencias ambientales, profesora e investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro en el departamento de Desarrollo Humano para la Sustentabilidad.

Carlos León-Salazar, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro - México

Doctor en Estudios Sociales. Docente investigador en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, donde coordina la Licenciatura en Desarrollo Humano para la Sustentabilidad.


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How to Cite
Belmont Cortés, E., Ribeiro-Palacios, M., & León-Salazar, C. (2022). Getting away from the dominant logic: Theoretical contributions from the social solidarity economy. Religación, 7(31), e210889.