Mexican Federalism: divided government in the Fourth Transformation

Keywords: Mexico; federalism; government; fourth transformation.


In the last 30 years, political plurality in divided governments has gained space in Mexican federalism, emphasizing the cooperation of the legislative branch through the establishment of intra-parliamentary and inter-governmental negotiations so as not to generate paralysis despite the confrontation of powers. The main objective of this work is to study Mexican federalism from the divided government in the fourth transformation to explain the institutional agreements in the legislative agenda. For this, the descriptive-analytical method is used, which in the narrative of the documentary information and empirical studies bases the gradual changes of an institutional nature that the Mexican political regime has experienced and how these have led to a bicameral composition without majorities and divided governments. but that is the art of politics they have achieved consensus and agreements for the approval of laws, constitutional reforms, and the creation of new institutions, in the sense of balancing the federal regime, strengthening the design of public policies and democracy. The political strategy of forming coalitions in favor of the approval of the reform initiatives proposed by the Executive has been a continuum of divided Governments since its appearance in 1997; however, the ideological polarization generated by the executive branch’s reform initiatives with the opposition alliance "Va por México" may affect the country's course, although it will be necessary to wait an adequate time to know the effectiveness of the new institutional arrangements in the design of public policies.


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Author Biography

Rigoberto Pérez Ramírez, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - México

Dr. en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la UNAM, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México/Centro Universitario UAEM Valle de México, profesor- investigador SNI 1


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How to Cite
Pérez Ramírez, R. (2022). Mexican Federalism: divided government in the Fourth Transformation. Religación, 7(31), e210900.