Telemedicina eficaz em serviços de saúde

Palavras-chave: Telemedicina; teleconsulta; telemonitoramento; atendimento em massa.


In this study, we seek to explore the practical usefulness of tele-medicine, especially in situations where many people cannot access a physical health service establishment, as well as to investigate the usefulness of telemedicine in Peru, and how it has developed in recent years, to the point that it has been necessary to issue the D. S. Nº 005-2021-SA, which approves the Law 30421 of Telehealth, added to the D.L. 1490, being the objective to achieve the massive use of medical attention with the support of Technology, automatically reducing the time and costs for the benefit of the users and the health institution itself. The methodology used is of a descriptive qualitative approach, of a basic type, techniques and instruments and methods have been used to analyze how tele-consultation and tele-monitoring are being developed in the attention of different diseases. The most outstanding conclusions are that telemedicine reduces time and costs, with the support of technological advances, allowing the design of new management models for mass patient care for the benefit of a healthy society.


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Biografia do Autor

Jorge Luis Seminario Carbonel, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

Médico Gineco - Obstetra y abogado. Egresado de la Maestría de Salud Pública (Universidad San Luis Gonzaga de Ica). Grado de Magister en Gestión Pública (Universidad César Vallejo). Actualmente Director Ejecutivo del Hospital Rezola de Cañete

José Jorge Rodriguez Figueroa, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

Abogado y administrador, con grado académico de doctor experiencia gerente en la administración pública y privada, actualmente investigador reconocido por CONCYTEC.

Carmen Marina Quezada Vidal, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

Licenciada en Educación Secundaria, especialidad en Lengua y Literatura. Grado de Magíster en Administración de la Educación (egresada de la Universidad César Vallejo). Actual subdirectora de Formación General de la IE 2031 José Valverde Caro.

José Luis Bobadilla Quinteros, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

Biólogo y docente actual en la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, en la facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, con grado de Magister en Administración de la Educación (egresado de la Universidad César Vallejo).


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Como Citar
Seminario Carbonel, J. L., Rodriguez Figueroa, J. J., Quezada Vidal, C. M., & Bobadilla Quinteros, J. L. (2023). Telemedicina eficaz em serviços de saúde. Religación, 8(37), e2301085.