Ecolojah: A Tangible Pan-African Ideal

  • Bréhima Sibidé Université Perpignan Via Domitia - Francia


This paper aims to underscore the contribution of an African Diaspora family upon returning to their Motherland-Benin, Africa. The agro-ecological primary school Ecolojah, created by the Returnees -Mère Jah and Père Jah-, is addressed in the context of a new educational system that allows rural Sub-Saharan children to learn self-love through a Pan-African inspired curriculum coupled with learning agroecology. From a vantage point, I argue that Ecolojah represents, in certain way, the realization of what the late Carter G. Woodson labeled Africentric School.


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Biografia do Autor

Bréhima Sibidé, Université Perpignan Via Domitia - Francia


PhD Candidate, Université Perpignan Via Domitia.


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Como Citar
Sibidé, B. (2018). Ecolojah: A Tangible Pan-African Ideal. Religación, 3(10), 119-126. Recuperado de