Gender-Concealed Concepts in Conceptual Space Languages of Dagestan

  • Sabrina Kh. Shikhalieva Dagestan Scientific Center - Russia
  • Ibragim А. Dibirov Dagestan State Pedagogical University - Russia
  • Mariza O. Ibragimova Institute of Language, Literature and Art - Russia
  • Zhanna A. Sulaeva Dagestan State Technical University - Russia
  • Rashidat Sh. Khalidova Dagestan State Technical University - Russia


The present paper analyzes definitions of the languages of Dagestan with the scope of notions of “the language of men/the language of women”. Many meaningful units of gender are updated within the framework of this classification. The material with a multitude of gender units was dispersed in the conceptual space of Russian and Dagestan languages; however, it was restored by the representation of stereotypes “noun ± adjective”. This allows justifiably to streamline the conceptual space of languages of Dagestan with many interpretations of the surrounding reality. The preference given to the aforementioned classification is because the connotative aspect of nominative units allows for the limination of overlays, i.e. cases of reference of the same interpretations to different terminological headings simultaneously.


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Biografia do Autor

Sabrina Kh. Shikhalieva, Dagestan Scientific Center - Russia

Ph.D. in Philology, Leading Researcher of the Department of Lexicology and Lexicography of the Dagestan Scientific Center, Makhachkala

Ibragim А. Dibirov, Dagestan State Pedagogical University - Russia

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics, Dagestan State Pedagogical University; Makhachkala

Mariza O. Ibragimova, Institute of Language, Literature and Art - Russia

Ph.D. in Philology, Leading Researcher, Department of Grammar Research, Institute of Language, Literature and Art, G. Tsadasy DSC RAS.

Zhanna A. Sulaeva, Dagestan State Technical University - Russia

Ph.D. in Philology, Professor at the Department of Psychology at Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education.


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Como Citar
Shikhalieva, S. K., DibirovI. А., Ibragimova, M. O., Sulaeva, Z. A., & Khalidova, R. S. (2019). Gender-Concealed Concepts in Conceptual Space Languages of Dagestan. Religación, 4(13), 209-213. Recuperado de