The development of coherent speech of preschool children with speech disorders in the process of cognitive development activities

  • Elena V. Khmelkova Vyatka state University - Russia
  • Svetlana B. Bashmakova Vyatka state University - Russia
  • Tatiana G. Lukovenko Pacific national University - Russia
  • Y. Yu. Dobromil Pacific national University - Russia
  • A.E. Fedotova Chuvash State Pedagogical University - Russia


At the present stage of development of defectological science and practice, the problem of speech correction of children with disabilities, in particular, preschool children with General underdevelopment of speech (GUS) has a great scientific and practical importance. The overcoming of speech disorders and the ability to choose an educational route determine the need of the organization and determination of the content of targeted comprehensive speech therapy assistance. The article scientifically justifies the possibility of using cognitive research activities to improve the performance of the speech development of children with disabilities. The efficiency of the program of development of coherent speech of preschool children with General underdevelopment of speech in cognitive research activity is experimentally proved. It is clearly shown that the inclusion of preschool children with General underdevelopment in the educational and research activities promotes the formation and development of skills of making coherent statements: phrases and sentences of the story on the demonstrated actions, story description, story based on personal experience.


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Biografia do Autor

Elena V. Khmelkova, Vyatka state University - Russia

Vyatka state University, Russia, Kirov, Lenin St., 198


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Como Citar
Khmelkova, E. V., Bashmakova, S. B., Lukovenko, T. G., Dobromil, Y. Y., & Fedotova, A. (2019). The development of coherent speech of preschool children with speech disorders in the process of cognitive development activities. Religación, 4(13), 243-248. Recuperado de