Development of teachers’ cross-cultural literacy in the system of further vocational education

  • M.G. Sergeeva Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia
  • I. V Poliakova Donetsk Pedagogical Institute - Russia
  • O.S Goltseva Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia
  • G.M. Kolosova Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia
  • N. E. Shafazhinskaya Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia
  • I.V. Polozhentseva Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia
  • M. A. Smirnova Moscow State University of Technologies and Management - Russia


The general trends of contemporary education include the desire to integrate and universalize social relations. This study aims to explain that the process leads to the intensification of intercultural interaction between representatives of different cultural communities. The expansion of intercultural contacts in the modern world emphasizes the importance of achieving mutual understanding between people of different cultures. The study concludes that multicultural education should become an inseparable part of general education, including additional professional education, since interpersonal relationships take place in a multiethnic and multicultural environment.


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Como Citar
Sergeeva , M., Poliakova, I. V., Goltseva, O., Kolosova, G., Shafazhinskaya, N. E., Polozhentseva, I., & Smirnova , M. A. (2019). Development of teachers’ cross-cultural literacy in the system of further vocational education. Religación, 4(13), 249-254. Recuperado de