Special commission on the development of railway service charter in 1917

  • Svetlana E. Rudneva Russian University of Transport - Russia
  • Alexander M. Novozhilov Russian University of Transport - Russia


The article studies the activities of the Special Commission under the Ministry of Railways for railway service charter development, established on March 5, 1917, by the decision of the Provisional Government chaired by a member of the 4th State Duma, the engineer A.A. Dobrovolsky. The commission was also engaged in the urgent development of MR legislation relating to the general organization, working conditions, and material support for workers and employees on democratic grounds after the February-March events in Russia during 1917.


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Dobrovolskaya O. (1922). From the memories of the first days of the revolution. Russian chronicle. Book 3. 1922. p. 188.

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The 4th convocation of the State Duma: Art phototype. The album with portraits and biographies. - SPb: the publication by N.N. Olshansky, 1913.

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The voice of the railway worker. (1917). June 18th.

The voice of the railway worker. (1917). June 25th.

The voice of the railway worker. 1917. June 15th.

Como Citar
Rudneva, S. E., & Novozhilov, A. M. (2019). Special commission on the development of railway service charter in 1917. Religación, 4(13), 289-294. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/221