Grammar Skills Development in Studying Foreign Language. Through the example of the Chinese non-copular predicative structures

  • Anna Krasnoyarova Nanchang University - China
  • Wang Kewen Nanchang University - China
  • Boris Kondakov Perm State National Research University - Russia
  • Svetlana Chivilenko Nanchang University - China


The article considers the main methodological principles of studying foreign languages that have been formulated in the works of the Russian researchers (system nature of the education process organization, step-by-step approach to the formation of grammar skills, the reference with a speech context, conscious perception of grammar material, orientation towards the language models that have been learned, etc.). Basing on these principles, the authors offer a system of exercises that are aimed at learning the non-copular predicative structures of the Chinese language.


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Biografia do Autor

Anna Krasnoyarova, Nanchang University - China

Corresponding author. Head of the Department of the Russian Language, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China, 330000, Nanchang,

Wang Kewen, Nanchang University - China

Professor, Department of the Russian Literature, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Perm State National Research University” Perm, Russia (614990, Perm, Bukireva Street, 15)

Boris Kondakov, Perm State National Research University - Russia

Lecturer, Department of the Russian Language, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China

Svetlana Chivilenko, Nanchang University - China

Master’s student of the Faculty of Economics, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China (330000, Nanchang, Xuefu Street, 999)


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Como Citar
Krasnoyarova, A., Kewen, W., Kondakov, B., & Chivilenko, S. (2019). Grammar Skills Development in Studying Foreign Language. Through the example of the Chinese non-copular predicative structures. Religación, 4(13), 304-317. Recuperado de