Specific approach to the creation of an intellectual information system in the training of legal professionals

  • Mannopova Elzara Torakhanovna Tashkent State University of Law - Uzbekistan


In this article, we have tried to reveal the basic approaches in the development of an intelligent information system of management of the educational process. By working out, it was considered the experience of some foreign and national high schools, taking into account the general principles of the educational process. The analysis has shown that at IS development there is a necessity in the specific approach to system development. Since the systems of educational process management, where training specializes in the exact sciences differs from training in the humanitarian sphere. While in most cases the control of the educational process implies the management of the educational activities of higher education institutions, the system under development set us the task of developing an integrated system that includes other types of events in higher education institutions, emanating from the specifics of public education management in our country.


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Como Citar
Torakhanovna, M. E. (2019). Specific approach to the creation of an intellectual information system in the training of legal professionals. Religación, 4(14), 71-80. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/238
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