Linking High-Commitment Human Resource Practices and Cultural Practices

  • Mohd Roslan Ismail International University of Malaya - MALAYSIA
  • Norizah Mustamil University of Malaya - MALAYSIA


Existing literature has confirmed a significant relationship between employee engagement and company performance. More specifically, fully engaged employees lead to positive outcomes in term of productivity and performance. In addition, studies have confirmed that a high level of employee engagement negatively effects turnover intention and absenteeism. Overall, engaged employees lead to positive attitude and behavior at the workplace. This notion has emphasized the importance of having engaged employees in the organization. Also, this leads to a query on the antecedent factors of employee engagement. What makes people engaged? Has it got anything to do with organizational practices? These become the main questions of this paper. Using the theory of social exchange, an understanding of how people behave is explored. More specifically, this conceptual paper addresses how an employee perceived organizational practices influence employee engagement. In addition, the influence of collectivism cultural practices is examined. Most importantly, this paper proposes the right practice for an organization to get the right behavior from employees.


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Biografia do Autor

Mohd Roslan Ismail, International University of Malaya - MALAYSIA

Faculty of Business & Law, International University of Malaya-Wales, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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Como Citar
Ismail, M. R., & Mustamil, N. (2019). Linking High-Commitment Human Resource Practices and Cultural Practices. Religación, 4(14), 170-178. Recuperado de
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