Design, experience in the implementation and prospects of the master's program “professionally oriented training in mathematics”

  • Inessa K. Kondaurova Saratov National Research State University - Russia
  • Svetlana D. Syrotyuk Togliatti State University - Russia
  • Andrei V. Plotnikov Perm National Research Polytechnic University - Russia
  • Nadezhda S. Zhminko Kuban State Agrarian University - Russia
  • Alla B. Plisova Financial University - Russia


The author's approach to the design of professional training of future teachers of higher mathematics involves filling the content of training with academic disciplines, research work and industrial practice, which are associated with the formation of competencies from the Federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of training 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (master's level) and labor actions from the Professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education". Training is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the principle of professional orientation and the Concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation.


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Como Citar
Kondaurova, I. K., Syrotyuk, S. D., Plotnikov, A. V., Zhminko, N. S., & Plisova, A. B. (2019). Design, experience in the implementation and prospects of the master’s program “professionally oriented training in mathematics”. Religación, 4(14), 185-194. Recuperado de
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