Problems of translation “Days Gone By” by Abdulla Kadiri

  • Kholmurodova Madina Alisher Kizi Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Samandarova Gulsara Ismatilloyevna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Baykhanova Nilufar Alisherovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Azzamova Nargiza Quddusovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Bekmurzayeva Lola Rakhmonovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan


This article deals with the problems of translation and equivalency, especially with cultural words, which present national customs and traditions. Cultural terms usually present fewer problems. In this article, great attention is paid to the national-cultural specificity of translation of Uzbek classical literature into English. Interpretation from the mother tongue into a foreign language must comply with terminological and pronunciation norms of the target language to such a degree that the ideas, intentions and factual information contained in the original speech and the attitude of the speaker to them are passed on in such a way that communication is not impaired nor misunderstandings caused. Roman Abdulla Qadiri, “Days Gone By,” reveals a wide range of universal human themes and problems. Therefore, it is very difficult to define it unambiguously. Nevertheless, it can be argued that having laid the foundation of the work as a beautiful love story, the author was able to touch upon the complex problem of the confrontation between God and the devil, light, and darkness in the destinies of mankind.


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Aliyev Ahmad. Abdulla Kadiri. T. (1997). “Gafur Gulom Publishing House”.

Abdulla Kadiri. Days Gone By. T. Gafur Gulyam Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1984; and also Abdulla Kadiri. Days Gone By. T. UzSSR state publishing house, 1958.

Arabic poetry of the Middle Ages. M. «Fiction», 1975.

Abdulla Kadiri. “The Days Gone By”: Novel. Translators: I.M.Tukhtasinov, O.M. Muminov, A.A.Khamidov.- T.: “Mashhur-Press”,2017. P – 164.

Abdulla Kadiri. “Days Gone By ”. - Tashkent: East, 2000. p - 59.Abdulla

Kuronov Dilmurod.(2006) «Literature is rare» (or Cholpon’s eternal question). T. Zarqalam

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Mahmudova Zebo. (1994). “The work inspired by national spirit”. Language and literature education. T. No. 4, pp. 26-29.

Mirvaliyev Sobir. (1962). Uzbek Romance. T. Science

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Como Citar
Alisher Kizi, K. M., Ismatilloyevna, S. G., Alisherovna, B. N., Quddusovna, A. N., & Rakhmonovna, B. L. (2019). Problems of translation “Days Gone By” by Abdulla Kadiri. Religación, 4(15), 108-114. Recuperado de
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