Relevance of development of methodological and organizational approaches in ensuring the autonomous work of students

  • Adylova Nilufar Ahmadjonovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Azizova Zilola Ravshanovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Isroilova Yoqutoy Bahodirovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Karimova Lola Rihsivayevna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan
  • Umarkhodjayeva Dilnoza Mirzakirovna Tashkent State Agrarian University - Uzbekistan


The purpose of the education process is not only to transfer knowledge and skills from a teacher to students but also to develop the students’ ability to continuous self-education, the desire to replenish and update knowledge, their creative use in practice and the areas of a future professional career. The article considers the autonomous work of students as a priority and useful type of training based on the independent formation of a knowledge base and designed to help students understand what they need for professional activity. Preliminarily, planning is required for all types of autonomous work in the disciplines of the curriculum (the content of sections, their complexity, time of study and control, development of educational and methodological complexes), the establishment of the teacher’s labor costs for managing and controlling students’ autonomous work.


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Como Citar
Ahmadjonovna, A. N., Ravshanovna, A. Z., Bahodirovna, I. Y., Rihsivayevna, K. L., & Mirzakirovna, U. D. (2019). Relevance of development of methodological and organizational approaches in ensuring the autonomous work of students . Religación, 4(15), 184-188. Recuperado de