Local wisdom values, ethical climate, and moral intensity in whistleblowing of village fund administration

  • Intiyas Utami University of Kristen Satya Wacana - INDONESIA
  • Katarina Dwi Utami University of Kristen Satya Wacana - INDONESIA
  • Aprina Nugrahesty Sulistya Hapsari University of Kristen Satya Wacana - INDONESIA


Allocating funds to villages with village officials who do not completely understand how to manage these funds accountably will only cause potential frauds. Whistleblowing mechanism facilitates disclosures on these potential frauds. This research aims to investigate the potentials of whistleblowing in village governments and one’s intention to commit whistleblowing. We conduct our research in Bringin Village, Bringin Sub district, Semarang Regency. Our qualitative method enables us to illustrate the object’s existing phenomenon and conditions. Our results show that village officials of Bringin village can apply whistleblowing mechanism. More specifically, Bringin Village applies internal whistleblowing because the village head chooses to settle the village fund fraud case internally (society). The whistleblowing intention is motivated by ethical climate, moral intensity, and local wisdom of village officials and culture built by the village head.


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Como Citar
Utami, I., Utami, K. D., & Sulistya Hapsari, A. N. (2019). Local wisdom values, ethical climate, and moral intensity in whistleblowing of village fund administration. Religación, 4(15), 241-250. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/300