The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of students’ communicative competence

  • Kulieva Shakhnoza Halimovna Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute - Uzbekistan
  • Mukhidova Olima Nurilloevna Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute - Uzbekistan
  • Kulieva Dilafruz Radzhabovna Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute - Uzbekistan
  • Rakhmonova Gullola Shavkatovna Bukhara State University - Uzbekistan
  • Razhabova Iroda Hamidovna Bukhara State University - Uzbekistan


The article deals with the issues related to developing communicative competence of future English teachers. It considers the notion that developing communicative competence can benefit not only to the interactive competences of the learner from the educational point of view, but also psycho-emotional characteristics and socio-cultural development of a student as a person.  As we know, communicative competence is the ability that means interacting effectively with others and competence is understood as a combination of language skills an individual has for learning a foreign language. Such potential contributes to his/her attaining high levels of performance. This paper reflects the following: the theory of communicative competence and some of its models; the importance of developing communicative competence of students who are future English teachers and the implications of communicative competence in English language teaching and learning. Furthermore, the work suggests the basic methodic principles of developing communicative competence of future English teachers.


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Como Citar
Halimovna, K. S., Nurilloevna, M. O., Radzhabovna, K. D., Shavkatovna, R. G., & Hamidovna, R. I. (2019). The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of students’ communicative competence. Religación, 4(15), 261-265. Recuperado de