Problems and prospects for the implementation of integrative training of specialists in russian universities

  • D. A. Ginzburg Academy of Management and Production - Russia


The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of introducing an integrative model of student learning in Russian universities. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze problems that impede the effective implementation of not only a holistic model of integrative learning, but even its individual elements in the existing Russian higher education system. The objectives of the article are: 1) to consider foreign experience in introducing an integrative approach to learning in the higher education system; 2) to identify the advantages of an integrative learning model in comparison with the classical academic model used in Russia; 3) to consider the main problems that impede the integrative model introduction into Russian higher education system. The research materials are statistics from official Russian institutions, regulations and expert opinions, as well as rating statistics from foreign sources. The study uses the method of statistical analysis and content analysis. The author of the article structures the problems of integrative model introducing in Russian universities on organizational and personnel. As a result of the problem field analysis, the author also offers recommendations for partial or full leveling of the problems identified in the course of the study in modern Russian higher education.


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Biografia do Autor

D. A. Ginzburg, Academy of Management and Production - Russia

Private Higher Education Institution “Academy of Management and Production”, Moscow.


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Como Citar
Ginzburg, D. A. (2019). Problems and prospects for the implementation of integrative training of specialists in russian universities. Religación, 4(16), 254-261. Recuperado de