Comparison of traditional education model and digital education model in flipped classrooms

  • Mustafa Ufuk Çelik Near East University - Turkey
  • Sinem Kasimoglu Near East University - Turkey


The human being, since the existence, continues its generation by educated and willing to educate itself constantly renewing, developing and evolving as an entity continues. When the traditional education models are examined, it can be seen that it evolved in a strict but slow order starting from the late 18th century until the early 2000s. But technology, and therefore education, met the dazzling world with the digitalizing world since the 2000s. In these times when we observe the reflections of developments in the digital world on higher education area, the need for timeless placeless learning/teaching with student-centered education is also in demand. We will be able to access our machines remotely (Jones and Dewing, 2011: 37). The concept of “distant within the Earth has never been so” close una to human beings. Comparison of traditional education model in higher education with digital education model: Flipped classroom model; In this study named NEU example, a quantitative study was conducted with 102 students who applied the flipped classroom model for more than two years. The data obtained as a result of the survey conducted within the scope of the research was analyzed with SPSS 23.0 package program and the findings were explained with tables. Most of the participants stated that they learned the lesson better, more detailed and more permanently by using the reverse side education method and stated that participation in the classroom was increased.


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Como Citar
Ufuk Çelik, M., & Kasimoglu, S. (2019). Comparison of traditional education model and digital education model in flipped classrooms. Religación, 4(16), 316-321. Recuperado de