The existential basis of consciousness: to the analysis of epistemological limits of symbolic description of the consciousness functions

  • Veronika Olegovna Bogdanova South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University - Russia


The purpose of the study is to establish the epistemological limits of the symbolic description of the consciousness functions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that consciousness cannot be explained in computational terms, as there is something in its activity that goes beyond purely algorithmic actions. This is due to the small resource of human memory and there is no clearly fixed, clear purpose. In a situation of such uncertainty, it is impossible to build a clear algorithm of actions in advance, so a person is “doomed” to be a free and creative being. According to the author, consciousness is always opened through activity when it correlates behavior with space-time, cultural contexts, therefore, the existential basis of consciousness is revealed through its manifestation in the “world of ideas”, in the “world of values”, as well as in the “world of activity”, which helps to overcome the boundaries between these worlds in a single integrity of being.


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Biografia do Autor

Veronika Olegovna Bogdanova , South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University - Russia

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University.


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Como Citar
Bogdanova , V. O. (2019). The existential basis of consciousness: to the analysis of epistemological limits of symbolic description of the consciousness functions. Religación, 4(17), 199-205. Recuperado de