Thomas Moore’s creative works in Russian literary-critical reception of the second half of the 1830s – 1850s

  • Dmitry N. Zhatkin Penza State Technological University - Russia
  • Tatiana A. Yashina Penza State Technological University - Russia


In this research, based on the common or at least great similarities between the problems of large- and small-scale habitats in the geographies where cultural interactions are experienced, the cultural structure of the Near East University, which is blended with more than 100 countries and thus culture, in the multicultural living area has been examined. Higher education in North Cyprus, which carries the mission of an educational island, is in an important process of development. North Cyprus, where almost one-third of the official population comes from, carries the impact of multicultural life. In this study, the interview method was used in Qualitative Research Methods. Stewart and Cash (1985) defined the interview as a serious process of mutual and interactive communication based on the way of asking and answering questions for a predetermined and serious purpose Stew. Student at the Near East University, who is from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, attended by 20 students from different countries such as Iran. The students were asked open-ended questions and analyzed in terms of their ability to express themselves freely and analyzed by qualitative research method.


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Biografia do Autor

Dmitry N. Zhatkin, Penza State Technological University - Russia

Department of Translation and Methods of Translation, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Tatiana A. Yashina, Penza State Technological University - Russia

Corresponding author. Department of Translation and Methods of Translation, Penza State Technological University, Baidukov Thoroughfare.


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Como Citar
Zhatkin, D. N., & Yashina, T. A. (2019). Thomas Moore’s creative works in Russian literary-critical reception of the second half of the 1830s – 1850s. Religación, 4(17), 233-238. Recuperado de