Research of sex-role stereotypes of cruelty of teenagers

  • Galina A. Epanchintseva Orenburg State University - Russia
  • Tatyana N. Kozlovskaya Orenburg State University - Russia
  • Irina N. Bukhtiyarova Lomonosov Moscow State University - Russia


The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author’s methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis.


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Biografia do Autor

Galina A. Epanchintseva, Orenburg State University - Russia

Corresponding author. Doctor of Psychology, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Tatyana N. Kozlovskaya, Orenburg State University - Russia

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Irina N. Bukhtiyarova, Lomonosov Moscow State University - Russia

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation


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Como Citar
Epanchintseva, G. A., Kozlovskaya, T. N., & Bukhtiyarova, I. N. (2019). Research of sex-role stereotypes of cruelty of teenagers. Religación, 4(18), 35-40. Recuperado de
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