Law in the context of justice

  • R. M Allalyev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - Russia
  • A. I Ekimov Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia
  • S. B Zinkovskii Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia


The article analyzes the nature of justice reflected in the law. According to the authors, the source of justice is quite “earthly”, knowable and rooted in the real or imaginary interests of people. However, the notion of interest-based perceptions of justice, while methodologically significant, does not explain any particular situation itself. It is still necessary to know what interests are embodied in the relevant legal provisions. Representations of individual subjects about justice with greater or lesser adequacy reflect, first of all, their own interests. And much less they are able to assess adequately the actions of others, social movements, government authority. However, any private interests inevitably go back to more general interests, which are not monolithic in their structure, internally contradictory and sooner or later, but inevitably “return” to private interests. Justice is a reflection of diverse interests, so perceptions of justice are as volatile as perceptions of interests.


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Biografia do Autor

R. M Allalyev , Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - Russia

Corresponding author.  PhD in Law, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,

A. I Ekimov , Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia

Doctor of Law, Full Professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia,

S. B Zinkovskii , Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia - Russia

PhD in Law, Associate professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia,


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Como Citar
Allalyev , R. M., Ekimov , A. I., & Zinkovskii , S. B. (2019). Law in the context of justice. Religación, 4(18), 134-139. Recuperado de