Traditions of the Lake School in Robert Browning’s and Oscar Wilde’s creative work

  • Dmitry N. Zhatkin Penza State Technological University - Russia
  • Anna A. Ryabova Penza State Technological University - Russia


The article is aimed at finding traditions of the Lake School – of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey – in the creative work of Robert Browning and Oscar Wilde. The comparative and historical, comparative and typological research methods, technics of the comparative analysis were used in the article. Findings: Traditions of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey are found in works by Robert Browning.


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Biografia do Autor

Dmitry N. Zhatkin, Penza State Technological University - Russia

Corresponding author. Department of Translation and Methods of Translation, Penza State Technological University, Baidukov Thoroughfare. Gagarin Street, 1a 11, Penza, Russian Federation


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Como Citar
Zhatkin, D. N., & Ryabova, A. A. (2019). Traditions of the Lake School in Robert Browning’s and Oscar Wilde’s creative work. Religación, 4(19), 111-121. Recuperado de