Cognitive space dimensions in pragma-semantic analysis of defamatory communication

  • L. S. Gurevich Moscow City Teachers’ Training University - Russia
  • N. N. Balabas Sinergy University - Russia
  • M. N. Nikolaeva Sinergy University - Russia
  • I. V. Borisova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Russia
  • E. V. Aybyatova Moscow City Teachers’ Training University - Russia


Based on P. Peverelli’s cognitive space theory (2000), I. Schlesinger’s description of cognitive space in linguistics (1995) and G. Newby’s fundamental concept for information retrieval (1993), which is developed after D. Meadows and Heiner Benking’s attempt to map dimensions of various cognitive spaces (1972), and others, this paper presents a pragma-semantic analysis of defamatory communication. Following after G. Bateson (2002) and S. Grof (2002) the authors argue that defamatory communication is better comprehended and interpreted as metacommunication, or “communication about communication” (Bateson, 2002), where correlation of communicative roles of metacommunication actors influences the utterances meanings and their perlocutionary effect. It’s an integrative approach to the research of the pragmatic component of a defamatory utterance which influences the stability of the lexeme meaning. It can strengthen the negative connotation of a defamatory lexeme or neutralize it in discourse.  Pragma-semantic analysis of defamatory metacommunication is presented here in three cognitive space dimensions such as the Gender, Age and Structure. It demonstrates possible interpretations of male, female and children’s discourse on the example of gossip. It shows how the type of Observer in metacommunication determines the utterance perlocutionary effect, influences the choice of the verb of defamation and defines the possibility of defamatory metacommunication within some particular discourse in general. 


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Biografia do Autor

L. S. Gurevich, Moscow City Teachers’ Training University - Russia

Corresponding author.  Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher; Moscow City Teachers’ Training University (Moscow, Russia),

N. N. Balabas , Sinergy University - Russia

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Sinergy University

M. N. Nikolaeva , Sinergy University - Russia

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Sinergy University

I. V. Borisova , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Russia

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

E. V. Aybyatova , Moscow City Teachers’ Training University - Russia

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Moscow City Teachers’ Training University


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Como Citar
Gurevich, L. S., Balabas , N. N., Nikolaeva , M. N., Borisova , I. V., & Aybyatova , E. V. (2019). Cognitive space dimensions in pragma-semantic analysis of defamatory communication. Religación, 4(20), 17-23. Recuperado de