Sustainable economic development model for agricultural holdings based on effective corporate governance

  • Viktoriya V. Prokhorova Kuban State Technological University - Russia
  • Alexandr V. Gladilin North Caucasian Federal University- Russia
  • Inna G. Ivanova Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin - Russia
  • Maria S. Klimenkova Moscow Technological University - Russia
  • Nadezhda L. Malashenko Kuban State Technological University - Russia


During the last years of the post-crisis period, numerous barriers that have hindered the effective functioning of crisis integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex were especially hard. This situation forces top managers to apply the strategy of their division into highly specialized firms immediately after the consolidation of assets. The result of this situation is that the Russian agro-industrial complex loses the possibility of large-scale involvement of the scientific, technical and organizational potential of integrated structures, which, in theory, should act as the leaders in the modernization processes of the national agrarian economy. The next global economic crisis, weighed down by the sanctions of the United States, the EU and several other countries, exacerbated the problems of technological modernization temporary boundaries for agro-industrial complex, which at that time became a strategically important economy sector due to a significant decline of GDP in 2014-2015 and worsened the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation in the international division of labor. All previous years, the approaches to the development of integrated structures were not of a systemic nature, were not always an effective result of random searches and the development of tools to increase their macroeconomic performance. This situation could not but veil the importance of large integrated formations in the implementation of agricultural sector modernization goals in the national economy.


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Biografia do Autor

Viktoriya V. Prokhorova, Kuban State Technological University - Russia

Doctor of Economic Science, professor, Kuban State Technological University, Russia

Alexandr V. Gladilin, North Caucasian Federal University- Russia

Ph.D. (Economic Sciences), associate professor, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Russia

Inna G. Ivanova, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin - Russia

(Economic Sciences), associate professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Russia

Maria S. Klimenkova, Moscow Technological University - Russia

Ph.D. (Technical Sciences), associate professor, Kuban State Technological University, Russia

Nadezhda L. Malashenko, Kuban State Technological University - Russia

Ph.D. (Technical Sciences), associate professor, Kuban State Technological University, Russia


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Como Citar
Prokhorova, V. V., Gladilin, A. V., Ivanova, I. G., Klimenkova, M. S., & Malashenko, N. L. (2019). Sustainable economic development model for agricultural holdings based on effective corporate governance. Religación, 4(20), 154-158. Recuperado de