The e-wallet usage as an acceptance indicator on Financial Technology in Malaysia

  • Shaliza Alwi Taylor’s University - MALAYSIA
  • Masrina Nadia Mohd Salleh Inti University College - MALAYSIA
  • Halim Shukri Kamarudin Taylor’s University - MALAYSIA
  • Rabiatul Munirah Alpandi Taylor’s University - MALAYSIA
  • Shazrul Ekhmar Abdul Razak Taylor’s University - MALAYSIA


In the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) the remarkable growth of technology such Financial Technology (Fintech) has skyrocketed to popularity. The widespread use of Fintech such e-wallet is becoming inevitable. The emergence of technology in finance has fuelled interest in how e-wallet usage become an indicator of Fintech’s acceptance among Malaysian users. Few studies in technology acceptance have explicitly addressed the acceptance of replacement technologies but limited studies have been done among Malaysian e-wallet users. Furthermore, as the user adoption has a crucial role for a success and effective implementation of this technology, there is a need to assess user acceptance. In response, researchers tested the applicability of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to further explore the factors influencing the acceptance of e-wallet among Malaysian users. A quantitative study adopted using questionnaires. These findings suggest an extension of the TAM model for convergence technology such e-wallet. The Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software result indicates that all variable test had a higher average of mean which indicates all independent variables are equally important and accepted by the respondents.


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Como Citar
Alwi, S., Mohd Salleh, M. N., Kamarudin, H. S., Alpandi, R. M., & Abdul Razak, S. E. (2019). The e-wallet usage as an acceptance indicator on Financial Technology in Malaysia. Religación, 4(21), 45-52. Recuperado de