Criminalistics specifics of methods of committing computer crimes and peculiarities of their prevention

  • Vitaliy Polyakov Altai State University - Russia


The article develops a new approach to computer crime, which consists in the forensic differentiation of methods of committing computer crimes by their complexity and danger level. We revealed the characteristic features of different types of computer crimes and classified the means and receptions of hi-tech ways of committing computer crimes, namely cyberterrorism, cyber-extremism and illegal influence on state critical information infrastructure. A new methodology for the forensic prevention of computer crimes has been proposed, based on the application of Honeypot technology. The results of the work allow to develop the modern criminalistic theory of crimes in the sphere of computer information, while data obtained during the research can be used as a scientific basis for conducting investigations of computer crimes.


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Biografia do Autor

Vitaliy Polyakov, Altai State University - Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Altai State University, Russian Federaion.


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Como Citar
Polyakov, V. (2019). Criminalistics specifics of methods of committing computer crimes and peculiarities of their prevention. Religación, 4(21), 90-97. Recuperado de