Children with Disabilities in Education and their Parents’ Participation Preparation

  • Larisa S. Yagovkina Kurgan State University - Russia
  • Vera A. Dubovskaya Kurgan State University - Russia
  • Maria M. Kiseleva Kurgan State University - Russia
  • Natalya L. Egorova Kurgan State University - Russia
  • Lyudmila S. Dmitrievsky Kurgan State University - Russia


The article provides an overview of philosophical and humanitarian approaches to training parents in an inclusive education and the training system itself. The study purpose is to substantiate, develop and test a system for preparing parents of children with disabilities for assistance in the education, based on the humanistic approach and the axiological concept of philosophy. These approaches in the parent training system lead society to the fact that parental competencies should be based on the special education methods, techniques and technologies for educating children with special needs; to predict the result of education and manage the correctional and pedagogical process based on an individual approach to the child. The implementation of the developed system resulted in a high level of parents’ readiness to participate in inclusive children education.


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Biografia do Autor

Larisa S. Yagovkina, Kurgan State University - Russia

Corresponding author. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Defectology department, Kurgan State University

Vera A. Dubovskaya, Kurgan State University - Russia

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Defectology department Kurgan State University

Maria M. Kiseleva, Kurgan State University - Russia

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Defectology department, Kurgan State University

Natalya L. Egorova, Kurgan State University - Russia

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Defectology department, Kurgan State University

Lyudmila S. Dmitrievsky, Kurgan State University - Russia

Senior Lecturer Defectology department, Kurgan State University


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Como Citar
Yagovkina, L. S., Dubovskaya, V. A., Kiseleva, M. M., Egorova, N. L., & Dmitrievsky, L. S. (2019). Children with Disabilities in Education and their Parents’ Participation Preparation. Religación, 4(21), 130-136. Recuperado de