A Translation into English of Khalil I. Al-Fuzai’s “No Rendezvous”

Thursday Fair: A Collection of Stories, by K. Al-Fuzai.

  • Gassim Dohal Independent researcher - Saudi Arabia


This is one of the stories that illustrate the failure to marry the woman that a man chooses to marry. Bassim and Salwa love each other, but due to his economic status, he cannot afford the marriage requirements.  Like his other stories, Khalil I. Al-fuzai, a Saudi Arabian short story writer, addressed “many social, political, and religious aspects he found in his society” (Dohal, 2013).  In this story as it is the case with many other stories written by Al-fuzai, Bassim “struggles to overcome the financial difficulties he faces” (Dohal, 2020).  In translating this story, Khalil I. Al-Fuzai (1940-     ) will be introduced to new readers as an author of a different culture who has done his utmost to discuss the social issues found in his saudi 1970’s environment.  

Here, like Khalil I. Al-fuzai’s other protagonists in his collection of stories, Bassim struggles with his economic reality; in his society, marriage requires wealth; without money, a male should not consider getting married. Bassim has a job, yet his job does not provide him with enough money to marry and have a family. 

Here, like Khalil I. Al-fuzai’s other protagonists in his collection of stories, Bassim struggles with his economic reality; in his society, marriage requires wealth; without money, a male should not consider getting married. Bassim has a job, yet his job does not provide him with enough money to marry and have a family.


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Biografia do Autor

Gassim Dohal, Independent researcher - Saudi Arabia

Gassim H. Dohal is a teacher of English from Gizan, Saudi Arabia. He holds a Ph. D. in English literature. He has contributed research papers and articles in different academic journals.


Al-Fuzai, Khalil I. (1979). “No Rendezvous.” Thursday Fair. Taif: Taif Literary Club.

Dohal, G. H. (2015). Khalil I. Al-Fuzai: A Writer from Saudi Arabia. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (AJMS), 3(2): 166-67. Retrieved from http://www.ajms.co.in/sites/ajms2015/index.php/ajms/article/view/870/701

Dohal, G. H. (2013). Khalil I. Al-Fuzai: Life and Contributions. International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL), 3(5): 53-60. http://www.tjprc.org/publishpapers/2-40-1384512377-9.%20Khalil.full.pdf

Dohal, G. H. (2020). A Translation into English of Khalil I. Al-Fuzai’s "Elapsing Days.” Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS), 10(4): 16-18. https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RHSS/article/view/51588/53312

Como Citar
Dohal, G. (2020). A Translation into English of Khalil I. Al-Fuzai’s “No Rendezvous”: Thursday Fair: A Collection of Stories, by K. Al-Fuzai. Religación, 5(25), 337-341. https://doi.org/10.46652/rgn.v5i25.663