Environmental component in the modern specialists training

  • Mohammad Sarwar Mohammad Anwar Peoples’ Friendship University - Russia


Environmental competence is recognized today as the most important professional and personal qualities of the graduate, the necessary basis for ensuring the quality of life of mankind, the development of production at preservation of harmony with nature. Issues of environmental training of the population, including students, are considered in the aspect of various theoretical approaches to human ecology and the formation of their ecological culture. The key ones are: the ideas of the historical relationship of society with nature; various aspects of the values and relations between the environment and society. In pedagogy the problem of ecological education and upbringing is studied from different positions: from general theoretical; from axiological; from methodical. The social-value and professional essence of ecological competence of specialists-ecologists caused by historical and evolutionary ideas of the nature and a place of the person in it; laws of relationship of the nature and society; the purposes of use of natural resources by production; existing and perspective ways of their preservation for future generations is revealed. Integrating various approaches, professionally directed educational work with college students is considered by us as a complex system of joint actions of managers, teachers, students, parents, representatives of public organizations, production, etc., aimed at creating conditions for effective personal and professional development of each student. The model of professionally oriented educational work with students–future ecologists includes the means of organizing a phased, consistent and comprehensive inclusion of students in various types, forms and methods of social and professional activities aimed at mastering environmental, research and propagandistic abilities and skills, the formation of the subjective position of the specialist and his social and environmental activity.



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Como Citar
Mohammad Anwar, M. S. (2019). Environmental component in the modern specialists training. Religación, 4(18), 247-253. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/700