A Quantitative Analysis of Portfolio Governance Management for Product Innovation in Organization Management Systems

  • Anshar Daud STIE Nobel Indonesia Makassar - Indonesia
  • Agung Suharyanto Universitas Medan Area, Medan - Indonesia
  • Prety Diawati Politeknik Pos Indonesia - Indonesia
  • Phong Thanh Nguyen Ho Chi Minh City Open University - Vietnam
  • K. Shankarn Alagappa University - India


This paper presents a quantitative analysis of portfolio governance management for product innovation in organization management systems. With only access to certain resources in a competitive environment to manage several projects, many organizations are using project portfolio management these days.  To improve the results there is a need to implement the strategies, as the limited success of existing techniques. With the use of a limited number of resources using this approach, multiple projects can manage in a better way. It can be successful by using portfolio governance management. There is a need to understand the governance of the organization when it is applied to programs, portfolios, and projects before achieving the objective of organizational strategy. In the strategic initiative and success of portfolios, the governance management plan is considered as a major factor. 


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Como Citar
Daud, A., Suharyanto, A., Diawati, P., Nguyen, P. T., & Shankarn, K. (2019). A Quantitative Analysis of Portfolio Governance Management for Product Innovation in Organization Management Systems. Religación, 4(19), 262-267. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/753