Towards a political ecology in the work of Marx: State, biopolitic and enviroment

Keywords: State, metabolic rift, capital, metabolism


The present work problematizes how the State operates in the temporal-corporal control of human life and the temporal-territorial control of nature, with the main objective of offering a unified approach that I call political ecology and that synthesizes the research programs of Robert Jessop and Paul Burkett-John Bellamy Foster, through the demonstration of state mediations in the metabolic rift. A Marxist hermeneutic is used as a method, which seeks to construct an interpretation of the text whose success is found in the optimization that it generates when approaching reality. In this way, it is argued that the best interpretation of the work of Marx (and Engels) and that results from this work, is the one that manages to integrate in a single program the ecological, political, and economic issues that constitute it, evidencing the role that the State plays in regulating the socio-metabolic contradictions of capital through multiple actions and relationships that develop between social actors in the conflict.


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Author Biography

Omar Santiago Herrera Rodríguez, Investigador independiente - Costa Rica

Investigador independiente. Máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos con énfasis en Cultura y Desarrollo, por la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Bachiller en Filosofía, por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Estudiante de la Maestría de Filosofía, en la Universidad de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite
Herrera Rodríguez, O. S. (2021). Towards a political ecology in the work of Marx: State, biopolitic and enviroment. Religación, 6(29), e210828.