Formation of the communicative competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-language university

  • Tashxodjayeva Patima Bokiyevna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Saydullayeva Mukaddam Akbarovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Khazratova Gulchehra Sharipovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Avilova Klara Xudjiyarovna Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan
  • Aslanov Akmal Subhanovich Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan


The article deals with the issues related to the formation of the communicative competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-language university. The role of communication as an environment for the development of each individual is very great. The individual’s education develops and grows in the course of the interaction of the individual with the languages ​​of the community. The main role in this process for a long time belonged to educational institutions of various types. However, today the situation has changed dramatically, as communication facilities, namely, for example, computer technology, have clearly expanded the educational opportunities of each person.


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Biografia do Autor

Tashxodjayeva Patima Bokiyevna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Senior teacher at Department of Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy

Saydullayeva Mukaddam Akbarovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Senior teacher at Department of Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy

Khazratova Gulchehra Sharipovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Retraining and in-service center of professors and teaching staff  Tashkent Medical Academy

Avilova Klara Xudjiyarovna, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Senior teacher at Department of Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy

Aslanov Akmal Subhanovich, Tashkent Medical Academy - Uzbekistan

Associate professor at Department of Languages, Tashkent Medical Academy


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Como Citar
Bokiyevna, T. P., Akbarovna, S. M., Sharipovna, K. G., Xudjiyarovna, A. K., & Subhanovich, A. A. (2019). Formation of the communicative competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-language university. Religación, 4(20), 218-221. Recuperado de