v. 4 n. 22 (2019): The State that protects us: Communities, Natural Resources and Nature Rights

Extractivism has become the concept that best defines the public policy of modern national states in Latin America, towards Natural Resources. This concept arises and is positioned from: a political position that questions, the Development and the subordination of the State to Multinational interests to which conservation and life matter little, and an option with the search for alternatives to the environmental crisis, alternatives that They find it necessary and inevitable to overcome capitalism as the system that governs life on the planet.

Eloy Alfaro. Faculty of Sociology, University of Cuenca - Ecuador zancudo.irreverente@gmail.com

* Anthropologist, Master in Anthropology from FLACSO Ecuador, as a Social Researcher has published academic articles, on topics of history, culture, philosophy and politics. As a writer he has published several poetry books, he is currently an academic at the University of Cuenca, a consultant and social activist.

Publicado: 2019-12-30

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